Michael Cirigliano II
Find calm and connection in classical music's most melancholy moments.

Shades of Blue is your destination for discovering melancholy moments in classical music with the power to cultivate calm, connection, and healing.
None of the music I share in my newsletter will be selected because it's great or because the composer is important. Those are hollow, meaningless labels used too often in classical music marketing that don't showcase any of the benefits of actually sitting down and experiencing this music.
Rather, I'll choose works that explore questions of life and death, joy and sorrow, love and loss, so we can witness within ourselves the transfiguration — physically, emotionally, spiritually — made possible through music that transports us to a beautiful, more perfect world.
Recent issues
Ludwig van Beethoven, "Archduke" Trio
W. A. Mozart, Clarinet Concerto
Frédéric Chopin, Mazurka in A Minor
Felix Mendelssohn, String Quartet No. 2
Henryk Gorécki, Symphony of Sorrowful Songs
Thomas Tallis, Spem in alium (Hope in Any Other)
Giacomo Puccini, "Un bel dì," from Madama Butterfly
Clara Schumann, Piano Concerto
Johannes Brahms, Intermezzo in E-flat Major
Claude Vivier, Lonely Child
Gustav Mahler, "Ich bin der Welt" (Lost to the World)
Franz Schubert, Piano Trio No. 1
Jean Sibelius, The Swan of Tuonela
Benjamin Britten, "Before Life and After"
W. A. Mozart, Fantasy in D Minor
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 1, "Winter Daydreams"
Claude Debussy, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun